The Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office (TGLO) by interagency contract shall enter into agreements with state institutions of higher education for research, testing, wildlife and natural resources rescue and rehabilitation, development of computer models to predict movements and impacts of unauthorized discharges of oil, and other purposes consistent with and in furtherance of the purposes of chapter 40.152 of the Texas Natural Resources Code. The TGLO is a national leader in oil spill research and development and oversees this highly acclaimed program. Through a legislative appropriation of up to $1.25 million per year from the Texas Coastal Protection Fund, the TGLO has funded nationally recognized projects in progressing oil spill science and understanding. Projects focus areas vary between cycles and the state institutions of higher education are encouraged to review and consider research that will help fulfill this mission of the TGLO. The Oil Spill Program will only accept fully completed applications.
Oil Spill R&D
The Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office (TGLO) by interagency contract shall enter into agreements with state institutions of higher education for research, testing, wildlife and natural resources rescue and rehabilitation, development of computer models to predict movements and impacts of unauthorized discharges of oil, and other purposes consistent with and in furtherance of the purposes of chapter 40.152 of the Texas Natural Resources Code. The TGLO is a national leader in oil spill research and development and oversees this highly acclaimed program. Through a legislative appropriation of up to $1.25 million per year from the Texas Coastal Protection Fund, the TGLO has funded nationally recognized projects in progressing oil spill science and understanding. Projects focus areas vary between cycles and the state institutions of higher education are encouraged to review and consider research that will help fulfill this mission of the TGLO. The Oil Spill Program will only accept fully completed applications.